In Loving Memory…

I would like to dedicate this page to all of us who’ve experienced loss in our lives. I’ll be 67 this May and there’s no way any of us have lived this long and not encountered the overwhelming sensation of sadness in losing someone we love, especially this time of year.

If you’ve ever had the amazing opportunity to work in the hospitality industry then you know there are many occasions when you’ll spend more time with your work family than your home family. We were all so very close where I worked. At one point there was a disturbing amount of deaths related to the employees in a very short amount of time. I must tell you that it was quite scary and unnerving as we’ve never faced this type of incessant suffering. The losses were mainly employee’s children and it seemed surreal as it continued to spiral. We also had someone’s spouse hit hard with devastating cancer who fortunately is alive and well today.

Thank God for the power of love we all possess. Everyone rallied together to help heal and stay close to one another. I believe it’s the reason we were all able to endure the sorrow and continue to successfully run our professional lives. I have faith in the fact that people are in our lives for a reason and there’s no better explanation than what we all went through together at that specific time; it’s exactly where we were all supposed be.

A few of us are no longer in that industry either because of retirement or off discovering new paths. But I’m thankful for the people in my life back then and comforted that I was a part of that incredible family.

A special dedication is to our dearest friend and colleague, Donna who passed away exactly one year ago. She was an amazing woman with a loyalty and commitment that out shined many. And that contagious smile……………………… There is only one benefit to Donna not being here and that’s the agonizing heartache she would’ve felt when her son, only child passed away just this past summer. Donna and the rest of our loved ones are treasured and will be forever missed.

Find joy each day.


Sanitation - Part ll


Manager Meetings