The Art of Dining Alone

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Find a restaurant that makes you feel like family

It’s very normal to take something for granted and we all do it at one time or another.  When you spend years with a significant other doing your favorite things together life can toss you an alternate plan.  Whether the loss is divorce or death it makes no difference, a loss is a loss and you’ll need to carry on.

I can recall remaining quite functional in my time of loss but there was definitely something missing and it was entertainment, having fun, going out, meeting people.  It took me a while before the thought of dining alone in a restaurant would seem normal to me.  Let’s face it, years of conditioning and habits make it challenging to spring forward into an altered behavior.  But like anything else a situation can suddenly occur turning your life upside down and a change of mindset is mandatory.

There was a seafood restaurant in Delray that we used to frequent.  The first time walking in there alone was a little heartbreaking.  That feeling immediately dissolved when I was greeted with familiar faces welcoming me with open arms.  Once I made it through the first time dining solo it eventually got a bit easier.  As one of their regulars I would instantly be escorted to the bar where my favorite glass of chardonnay would be poured, place setting arranged and menu handed to me.  I wasn’t alone I was with family.

I moved closer to West Palm Beach and will still take myself out occasionally for dinner.  That same warm, welcoming feeling can be found in Oceano Kitchen in Lantana.  Every time I passed by this restaurant it would be loaded with customers every night it was open.  After searching their website I realized how specialized they are with a new, limited menu daily with the freshest ingredients.  That really got my attention and I was as good as there!

They open at five and I was excited and waiting to be seated.  When asked if I’d like to sit at the Chef’s table I immediately said yes and knew I was in for one awesome experience.  It was like being part of the show and watching how they operated their kitchen and the care given to each order.  The Chef and his crew treated me like I’ve been there a million times and made me feel at home with light conversation and smiles.  Dinner and the service were out of this world and I couldn’t have asked for anything better.

That wasn’t the end of my amazing experience.  A single woman came in and sat next to me at the table, smiled and asked me if this was my first time here.  When I told her yes she looked at me with a sincere smile and said, “welcome to the family.”   Wow!  What a remarkable feeling. 

For those of you who’ve read my blogs know that it’s not always about the food that attracts me to a restaurant.  It’s how the employees make you feel and Oceano Kitchen happens to be one of the unique restaurants that possesses both qualities. 

If you’re single for whatever reason don’t think twice about dining alone, Oceano Kitchen is waiting to offer you an experience you’ll always remember.  My personal thanks to Chef/Owner Jeremy Bearman, his wife Cindy (whose desserts are to die for!), the Chefs and wait staff for removing the stigma of dining alone.  I’ll be back!




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