Interview Questions

Hiring the most appropriate person is not an easy task. We tend to hire servers, bussers and bartenders based mostly on experience. It’s just as important to hire based on their ability to embrace your company’s culture. I think we’ve all had at least one experience where a knowledgeable employee was let go not being able to adhere to your club’s/restaurant’s values.

Finding good food and beverage employees has been such a task with a small sampling to choose from. We should see a change because of our current economic situation and people looking for work. Hopefully there will be an abundance of applicants for a wider selection.

Server training is more than just having the energy and ability to perform the duties. How can we zero in on an applicant’s abilities and cultural beliefs to see if they’ll be an asset? Here’s a sampling of questions to ask that can assist you with better decisions about who to hire.

1. What is your favorite and most productive atmosphere to work in?

Their answer will state if they will be a functional part of your team.  If they say their most successful arena is quiet and low key and not in a crowd of people you need to pay attention.  Will you hire that server because of their great smile and awesome list of experiences only?  You may be setting yourself up for disaster when you realize you cannot make them adapt to a team setting.  Instead maybe they can have an integral part by placing them in a back of the house or secretarial position.  Who knows, in time they may want to come out of their shell and want more action. On the other hand if the candidate loves to be around people with various backgrounds and ages then you are closer to having a star on your team. Look for a good energy vibe and the training should be a breeze.!

2.  Once initial orientation and training is complete how would you feel about paring up with one of our successful servers for continuous and in depth learning about proper procedures, our culture and awesome Members?  

This should be an immediate yes answer.  It indicates the new employee’s desire to truly learn about the entire spectrum of how your Club operates with a long time, respected server.  If their body language reads more negative they may feel that being part of a successful team is meaningless and that they can run solo with preconceived notions of their own. And it’s not like you want cookie cutter employees but there should be standards and procedures in place for everyone to follow.

3.  Can you name a time when you had to adopt a new set of behaviors/values to fit your circumstances (e.g., live outside your country, move in with a family more diverse than yours, a new job)?  How did you do?                                                                      

The answer to this question would tell you how flexible the candidate will be learning about the Club’s culture.  We all have witnessed a brilliant, talented server lose their job because they find it difficult to adhere to different set of behaviors.  Listen for clues of either acceptance or resistance. If they had no such experience but have a desire to learn then it’s up to the managers/trainers to take the time to assist them along the way. Let the new employee know that changes are evident throughout our lives and how we master those changes will make the difference between our successes or failures.

4. State the Club’s values and ask the candidate which value(s) they easily connect with.  Why?   

You will see how well they accept and appreciate the values and maybe the applicant has a different set of values that were instilled at an early age. Let them tell their story. If pride in their work is important then make sure the Club showcases instances when employees take pride in what they accomplish.  You can share a story about how you came to accept the values as they may have been different from your last job or your previous life.  Sharing a short personal story will help them relax and stay open for more detailed answers.

5.  If you could open any business, what would it be?  And why?                                                           This reply could tell you if there is a sense of leadership or entrepreneurship on their horizon.  They could have new, effective ideas that nobody thought of.  Sometimes we get caught up running an operation so long that we could use a new set of eyes for inspiring new suggestions.

6. What is your favorite hobby? Why? If the applicant has a hobby they absolutely love, you will not have to ask them why.  You will be able to hear and see the passion from them.  As mentioned in my blog, if the candidate collects a specific kind of item you’ll realize they already show qualities you’ll want on your team, paying attention to detail, patience in collecting only the best and passion for the hobby.

Thank you for reading this blog and email anytime with questions.


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