Media Madness

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Is the truth hidden somewhere and where the heck do we find it?

The mainstream media is blasting us every minute of the day about how dreadful our world is right now.  But we are pretty intelligent creatures or we wouldn’t have gotten as far as we have today.  Keeping a proper prospective is important if we’re going to survive this trifecta of cycles starring climate change, a depressing economy and cultural/civil unrest.  And now can blend in a global pandemic for a robust topping.

These cycles are seriously life altering which gives the mainstream media a lot hype to chew on and spit out.  What I found easier to live with was getting an update from my local channel, weather, what is happening, etc.   Unfortunately for national and world news it is a different story.   We are on our own to decipher what we hear after learning so-called facts that lean to the left as well as the right, politically.  It doesn’t matter what subject they’re talking about; it becomes political!  Chances are the truth can be detected after peeling back the layers of defamation and I am not in the mood to waste that kind of time.

There was a moment when I could go between CNN and FOX news and take half of what I learned from each and get myself to some sort of middle ground.  I can no longer accomplish that because they both have gone so far off the rails for me to make sense of it all.  It really is way too much.

I must admit that part of this problem is because of my age and going back to earlier days.  Actual television watching time was limited to 11:00 pm and today I think we are too inundated with 24/7 reporting. Politics was not on my mind when I was younger but Walter Cronkite did a fantastic job reporting the news and only the news.  And not that long ago I used to love watching Peter Jennings; God rest his soul.  Now I’m not sure what’s going on but mainstream media is driving me up the tree!

I believe the time is now to search for the kind of media that’s dependable, respectable and deals in facts only.  Maybe my usual attempt to find out the news of the day is the wrong way to go anymore.   I already receive notices about what is going on locally throughout the day from an app and I check my weather out on an app.  I also found London Real which has some intelligent individuals on the show and I do learn something new from them!  So I’m still checking them out but so far so good.

At any rate it appears I need to get out of my old-fashioned groove because it’s upsetting me.  Isn’t that usually when change occurs and a better way of life appears?   Whatever new world lies ahead after the chaos settles might just be a brand-new place where we all can thrive; that’s my plan.


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