Morning Ritual

We’re the only species on earth who can self regulate our bodies and minds; take full advantage of your power!

If we’ve learned anything from the pandemic it’s vital to build and maintain our amazing immune systems. For me it’s imperative to find some sort of peace and a sense of control even if I’m only controlling myself.  Practicing my self-care techniques is how I handle any of the future pandemics and health issues knowing I have no control over what happens outside my home.  Funny, I thought I had control over everything!

And the ritual begins with a thanks to God for giving me another day (My first marriage was to a funeral director and I can tell you for a fact that some people DID NOT wake up this morning).  I really love getting up in the morning when it’s still dark.  I open the blinds and windows when weather allows and while waiting for my coffee I’m doing some standing back stretches.  I grab my coffee and get comfy on the couch to start my prayers.  All prayers are packed with gratitude, hope with a sense of optimism.  I’m grateful for mine and my family’s health; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  I have a few things and people to pray for so it takes me about 20-30 minutes.                                                                                                                          My daily mantra that I end with is forgiveness + kindness + compassion = love and peace.

Next is meditation which sets the stage for the most enjoyable day.  Even when it’s hot the window next to me is slightly open to hear my favorite owl and serenading birds.  I don’t practice meditation to relax I use it to awaken my consciousness, self-awareness, heal my body and keep my thoughts presently focused which all contribute to feeling of self-control and well-being.

A series of stretches, yoga and cardio are my last line of defense against any craziness this world presents.  I can’t get my cardio in the pool right now because it’s closed so I’ll hit the bike or walk listening to an audio book. It takes me a good portion of the morning to complete my routine depending on how much time I have (which these days of self-containment I have a lot). 

When you realize you have zero power over what’s happening in this world the only solace is to control and care for yourself, body and mind.  That alone brings comfort because you are the only one in charge of how you feel inside and out.  Self-care creates the power to stay healthy and be able to handle this pandemic. 

I hope this article was helpful and finds you in good health.  My wish for you is to take the well-deserved time to care for your whole self.  Find a quiet space for your personal ritual with your own beliefs and let me know if you have questions or any helpful hints. Start with your mind and the body will follow.  God bless you.


Our New Normal

