Be Prepared for Your Own Emergency
Lower your stress level
When you find yourself in an emergency situation be ready to react effectively. Maybe a few of you already have accomplished this task but for those who have not, here is a good plan of action. I want to share with you an idea that has all your medical information to hand over to EMS or the emergency room check-in person. I choose Excel because I find it easy to update but you can use Word or whatever is easy for you.
I learned this from the medical emergencies my late husband experienced for years before he lost his battle with MS. When I would call 911 no less than three emergency vehicles would show up at our house within a few minutes. That hardly gave me enough time to gather all his meds and try to remember all his complications, allergies, procedures plus a slew of questions I barely got correct under duress.
Eventually we realized that calling 911 would unfortunately become a common occurrence. That’s when we figured out a way to lower the stress level of an already horrific stressful situation; the medical sheet. There was a common theme that we adopted, taking control over something we have absolutely no control over!
That was years ago but fast forward to my life today and this piece of information has become quite useful to me. I have a history of kidney stones (thanks Mom!) and there were times when I needed emergency attention. Let me tell you that when I am in unbearable pain the very last thing I am able to do is spit out all my correct medical information without wanting to scream! And that is when my brain cannot think straight to give them all the facts they need to safely treat me.
Here’s my deal. When I do make it to the ED I effortlessly hand over my ID, insurance cards, debit card and my medical sheet with all the information they need. Nobody needs to ask ANYTHING pertaining to my medical history!!! That is just the way I like it and it speeds up the process to see the doctor and get drugs to ease the agony and discomfort until we figure out my status. Of course if the entourage of EMS vehicles show up at my door instead then I will be more than thrilled to hand the information over to those very capable, good-looking firefighters and ambulance guys!
Seriously, this medical sheet is especially vital for anyone who lives alone. Keep in mind you may have a tough time talking or can’t get to your wallet with your information. Having the sheet on your fridge will expedite your treatment if you need to call 911. Let friends and relatives know how you will be handling emergencies and always make sure they have updates.
In conclusion, do yourself, your family and all medical attendants a huge favor. Write down all of your medical information, get updated copies to necessary people, keep a few in your wallet to disperse in a millisecond and lower your stress level. Get the immediate care you deserve which can possibly save your life!
Email me anytime at if you have questions or need assistance.
Morning Ritual
We’re the only species on earth who can self regulate our bodies and minds; take full advantage of your power!
If we’ve learned anything from the pandemic it’s vital to build and maintain our amazing immune systems. For me it’s imperative to find some sort of peace and a sense of control even if I’m only controlling myself. Practicing my self-care techniques is how I handle any of the future pandemics and health issues knowing I have no control over what happens outside my home. Funny, I thought I had control over everything!
And the ritual begins with a thanks to God for giving me another day (My first marriage was to a funeral director and I can tell you for a fact that some people DID NOT wake up this morning). I really love getting up in the morning when it’s still dark. I open the blinds and windows when weather allows and while waiting for my coffee I’m doing some standing back stretches. I grab my coffee and get comfy on the couch to start my prayers. All prayers are packed with gratitude, hope with a sense of optimism. I’m grateful for mine and my family’s health; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. I have a few things and people to pray for so it takes me about 20-30 minutes. My daily mantra that I end with is forgiveness + kindness + compassion = love and peace.
Next is meditation which sets the stage for the most enjoyable day. Even when it’s hot the window next to me is slightly open to hear my favorite owl and serenading birds. I don’t practice meditation to relax I use it to awaken my consciousness, self-awareness, heal my body and keep my thoughts presently focused which all contribute to feeling of self-control and well-being.
A series of stretches, yoga and cardio are my last line of defense against any craziness this world presents. I can’t get my cardio in the pool right now because it’s closed so I’ll hit the bike or walk listening to an audio book. It takes me a good portion of the morning to complete my routine depending on how much time I have (which these days of self-containment I have a lot).
When you realize you have zero power over what’s happening in this world the only solace is to control and care for yourself, body and mind. That alone brings comfort because you are the only one in charge of how you feel inside and out. Self-care creates the power to stay healthy and be able to handle this pandemic.
I hope this article was helpful and finds you in good health. My wish for you is to take the well-deserved time to care for your whole self. Find a quiet space for your personal ritual with your own beliefs and let me know if you have questions or any helpful hints. Start with your mind and the body will follow. God bless you.
Essential Oil Diffuser
Modify your mood with the familiar scent of……
Just another way to continue enjoying peace and calm in your home
Years ago burning incense was one of my favorite ways to make the house smell great. I ran through quite a few packages rather quickly. Once my children were mobile and running around I curtailed burning incense to reduce just one less incident leading us to an emergency room; the double earaches were enough for me.
It was last fall when I started using my essential oil diffuser and purchased a huge variety of oils to choose from. I also bought a book about how many uses there are for the oils and found it worthwhile. It lets you know which scents are beneficial for however you’d like to feel or whatever small issue you may be experiencing. For instance orange essential oil aides in the feeling of joy, peppermint is invigorating and lavender can be used at night in the bedroom to help to induce the feeling of calm. The book illustrates how to make healing lotions, personal care products, oils for your pets and what oils to stock in your medicine cabinet.
Most people tend to equate scents with memories and love how they make them feel. I can easily produce a feeling of content and warmth when using the cinnamon and vanilla combo during Thanksgiving time. Christmas memories with family, great food and laughter flood my mind when I pour balsam fir oil in the diffuser.
On a normal day I love ylang ylang for a mood lifter and a combo of patchouli (reminds me of a good friend I lost to breast cancer) and grapefruit. These are the same oils I also use in my homemade deodorant.
Essential oils have been around for many, many years and used for medicinal remedies. They have been known to ease symptoms of arthritis, depression, skin irritations, digestive disorders, etc. I use them daily because I love how they make me feel and I get to choose how I want to feel depending on what scent I use. And I love options!
Homemade Deodorant
A more natural way
It took time before I got on board with making and using homemade deodorant. It was the last thing on my mind with the limited time frame when I was working. I love finally having time to experiment with my crazy obsessions! And this is quick and easy.
There have been many myths flying around about the dangers of using antiperspirants and I’m not sure where the actual truth lies. But I usually err on the side of caution and anything I can do to release pent up toxins or heavy metals, I’m in. Let me also say that some homemade recipes don’t always work for everyone.
I’ve experimented with many products in the past that are supposed to be good for “you” (all of us in general). After years of spending time and money I finally learned that some of those products may or may not work for me. And the homemade deodorant is not an exception.
Here’s my take on what I experienced with homemade deodorant. I’ve never been a sweaty person and years of antiperspirants kept me very dry in most circumstances. When I started making my blend I recalled that it didn’t take much for my underarms to sweat. It was a foreign feel to me and wondered if it was working; there was not an odor, just wet. After researching about it I found that the wetness or sweating was normal. My sweat glands were doing what they do best…cool me down, release toxins and heavy metals! Now we all know that the liver and kidneys do a great job of removing most of the toxins. But I figure why not help those organs out a bit? There are so many more toxins around than there used to be. It can’t possibly hurt to stay on a more natural course. And if it’s doing something that’s good for me then why not?
I had gotten used to the sweat but after a year+ with my deodorant blend I find that the sweat has even lessened and I live in South Florida.
If you’re interested in trying your hand at this experiment then follow the easy recipe below. Have fun with it! All the ingredients can be purchased by clicking on the images below. Some of my favorite essential oils I love to add in are patchouli and grapefruit combo, cinnamon and vanilla or just ylang ylang.
1. Use a small glass bowl and mix well even amounts of baking soda and arrowroot. My first batch was ten tablespoons of each.
2. Slowly add coconut oil until you get your desired texture. Add essential oils with a fragrance you enjoy (about 20 drops). If you prefer a consistent texture that won’t harden in cold weather use fractionated coconut oil. Avoid making the texture soupy with too much oil; it’ll be more difficult to apply.
3. Place in a glass container with a lid. This amount will literally last for many months.
One Lotion for Many Skin Types
Soft as a baby’s butt
Living in upstate New York for the first forty-nine years of my life took a major toll on my dry skin. The winters were cold, very dry, very long and it was difficult to not feel like a dried-up prune.
I can remember that lotion was never enough and if I wanted my skin to feel soft and hydrated a thin application of Vaseline would be necessary. And it was applied from my face right on down to my feet. I know it sounds gross but it worked like a champ!
Florida has been my home since 2002 and my skin loves the humidity. But that hasn’t stopped me from continuing my skin care routine, only it’s been modified. Every once in a while I would try a new moisturizer that promised great results, I’d end up using my lotion/Vaseline combo and my skin would be happy again.
A few years ago when I was at the dermatologist the discussion of skin care came up. My dermatologist recommended CeraVe and said it was the best product to keep skin soft and hydrated. She said that CeraVe contains three essential ceramides to help restore the skin’s natural barrier and help keep it hydrated. Of course I ran to Walgreens and purchased it. Well, let me tell you that was the best advice ever! There aren’t too many moisturizers out there that have ceramides but you can bet there will be more emerging soon.
The skin care routine for last few years has been CeraVe from head to toe. The only difference is that I apply only the thinnest layer of Vaseline on my face and neck after applying the CeraVe because there is already petroleum in the ingredients. The remainder of my body gets the combination of CeraVe and coconut oil. My skin is the softest ever and the backs of my arms are now like a baby’s butt; very smooth. They haven’t felt like that in a long, long time.
I’ve always gotten compliments on my skin and I wish I would’ve taken pictures of the faces I would get when I mentioned Vaseline on my face! The looks were anywhere from fright to disgust; very entertaining. When I had to switch dermatologists because of an insurance change she complimented my facial skin asked me what I used. When I said the word Vaseline she just glared at me! I think she thought I was lying….
Like anything else we try for the first time, patience is key. The amazing change in my skin didn’t happen overnight. You will notice an overall difference immediately but the real difference happens down the road. And remember when purchasing CeraVe to buy the container with the pump (then just buy the regular containers for refills). Moisturizers can lose their effectiveness when constantly being exposed to the light and open air. I am extremely happy with this product and I can’t imagine ever using anything else. Try this before spending an enormous amount of money on broken promises.
Let it all Go…. Gray!
The color gray…….cool, neutral, balanced
Gray hair = healthy hair, natural beauty, low maintenance, your true colors
Coloring my hair many years ago started out as something fun and different to do. Of course as time went on it was more about covering those nasty gray hairs and attempting to hold onto the color as long as possible. There are so many issues pertaining to hair color that we all put up with to maintain that youthful look. And today young people are paying big bucks to go gray. WHAT?!
For starters I remember how hard it was to get the correct color that was appropriate for me. If I had a tan then I can go a bit darker but if not then I needed a softer brown because of my lighter skin color. And then the summer sun would fade the color out much faster and it meant a trip to the salon sooner than usual. My very fine hair didn’t need to be processed that often and I’m not really a hat person. So it’s the nonsense of having fresh, beautiful color only to hide and protect it so nobody sees it!?
Then there’s the anxiety of having to change hair stylists for whatever reason. I found that to be more stressful than giving birth! Now we start from square one all over again in picking a color and explaining how we’d like them to style our hair. Usually after four to six months they get it right and all is good again. Remember to book your appointment if you’re going out of town; you can’t leave anything to chance. And if you’re going to be outside in the sun remember your hat.
Of course I can’t possibly leave out the expense of it all. From the time I’d walk into the salon to getting back out to my car it would be anywhere from $100 (in the early years) to $250 every five weeks. God forbid if I splashed in a few highlights. Don’t forget the necessary products needed for fading, shampoo for processed or damaged hair, etc. Tipping is not an option and I believe it’s necessary but it could cost a few bucks if the salon has various people performing tasks along the way; the person shampooing hair, maybe a separate colorist and then the stylist.
This may be all well and good until you start thinking about retirement and looking at your expenses. Is the gray removal an expense you’ll be able to maintain without your current paycheck? If not you may want to explore the option of working with your gray and choosing a style that showcases your “maturity.” I haven’t colored my hair in a few years and I have no regrets. Yes, it did take a while to get it the way I like it but it’s so darn worth it. In my opinion going gray is the exact equivalent to going bra-less (for guys it would be like going commando); it’s an amazing sense of freedom. Love it. My hair has never felt this good and I know it’s better for the health of my hair.
By choice I have an extra expense for one product that brightens my gray. When I’m in the sun there is a shimmer of a pastel lavender color that is very attractive. I will use the lavender product when I’m going out or when I feel my gray needs a little boost. They have various choices of color to choose from and I purchase this about twice a year. No hat is required ever again.
I go to my stylist (the owner) about every five to six weeks and never pay more than fifty dollars. The cut and blow dry are forty-five dollars and I tip the shampoo lady five dollars (I like her) and of course I don’t tip the owner. That is definitely on my budget!
My normal gray without the lavender rinse
The color looks richer after the lavender rinse
A Functional Workout Suit....Finally
Since the very second I moved down here in the early 2000’s from upstate New York I’ve been working out in a swimming pool or riding my bike. When the weather doesn’t cooperate I’m on an elliptical or just settle in with yoga and stretches. My work out is early in the morning and I hope to continue this habit for years to come. My routine has everything to do with how successful the rest of my day continues.
I used to purchase a very specific one-piece bathing suit that worked well with all the various work outs. I would buy five or six at a time and when they’d wear out I’d purchase another bunch of them. In time it was easier to buy them online either through Walmart or Amazon. Change is inevitable and I usually don’t have an issue moving forward. However I wasn’t good with the fact that this one-piece suit has been discontinued. I’ve bought similar countless suits for the past two months only to return them. Stores have them but they’re now made cheaply or the fit is only for petites.
Finally I gave up looking for that particular bathing suit and began searching for athletic workout clothing. There aren’t that many workout suits that are acceptable to me for a ladies’ bathing suit. Eventually my several searches paid off and discovered a suit that is better than what I’ve been wearing for almost twenty years. I LOVE this thing!! It is quite flattering for this older body (gravity issues) and feels comfortable but keeps my body compressed without feeling squeezed into it.
As I age there are certain characteristics I look for in an outfit. I certainly don’t mind looking my age but I enjoy it better if a certain style is maintained. And there’s a very fine line between looking stylish and looking like I’m trying to look thirty again (and we all know that’s not happening). My body doesn’t do well with high rise leg openings, thin shoulder straps, or tight material that cut into the soft tissue between my arms and chest wall. My legs look a bit like ham hocks with high rise anything, thin shoulder straps are uncomfortable when working out, and if the upper body of the suit is too tight then I have all kinds of skin poking out everywhere like it’s trying to escape.
My new suit has a racerback which made me nervous because I wasn’t sure if the back straps would dig in and hideous lumps would plop out. To my surprise the back looked good and I won’t hesitate to wear this in public to the pool or walk the beach. It’s also very doable to slap my shorts on and ride the bike. I’m going the purchase more of them and the price is comparable to what the previous suit was and I couldn’t be happier!
Sanitation - Part ll
Getting back to basics will avoid this!
You don’t want to even think about going here…………..
Keeping yourself and others healthy
We talked about sanitation and how important it is to recognize foods that are no longer safe to eat applying our senses; using expiration dates as guidelines only. We will focus this segment on our own habits, how they’re perceived and how to avoid harm to ourselves and others.
The most important way to prevent spreading illnesses (especially in flu season) is to properly wash your hands many times a day. Proper hand washing includes soap and water and thoroughly wash entire hands long enough to sing the happy birthday song twice. Hand washing needs to be done after using the restroom, sneezing, smoking, touching your body, shaking hands with someone who’s ill, handling soiled items or anything that has the potential to spread germs.
It’s understandable that you can’t constantly run to a restroom to wash your hands. But every time you shake hands with someone who’s ill you need to train yourself to keep your hands away from your face and others until you’re able to properly wash your hands.
It has always been a struggle to inform employees to stay home when they’re not feeling well. Most people need every single paycheck to survive and they do their best to hide a bad cold, fever or flu to maintain working. I understand that completely but it needs to be looked at differently. The consequences can be damaging if an employee comes to work with an illness that can spread to everyone else. Not only do the workers get sick but there’s potential to also get customers/members ill. Managers need to be diligent in knowing their team well enough to recognize when they may need to be sent home to protect many more people. The same procedure goes for anyone exhibiting skin infections especially when festered sores are present.
Sometimes we don’t realize people are watching us when we display our habits. Scratching our armpits, crotches, head, face, legs, etc. can nauseate a customer/member when they know you’ll be handling their food. If your body needs attention in this fashion it would behoove you to get to a restroom. Please remember to wash your hands before heading back out in front of people.
Keeping your body clean with a bath or shower daily and applying deodorant is important. Dirty fingernails are unacceptable and should be scrubbed with a nail brush before work when needed. Teeth should be brushed after every meal or at least a mouthwash utilized. When time is limited a breath mint is acceptable. Hair should be clean, neat and tied back or up off shoulders if hair is long.
I can’t say enough about the overuse of colognes and perfumes. Anybody who works around food and serving the public needs to curtail the use of these products or avoid them completely. Some people are very sensitive to scents and will literally get ill. For me, if I’m around a strong perfume or cologne it heads straight up my nose and takes up residence in my taste buds. There is no enjoyment eating when my food tastes like perfume.
Take good care of yourself all year around and know when it’s time to stay home and get better. Working when not feeling up to par can further your illness which may keep you out of work longer and cost you even more money.
Turmeric for Whiter Teeth
It’s WAY MORE than just a spice - it’s the health hack you didn’t know you needed!
It’s not just for cooking!
If you wanted to find Turmeric in my house you’d locate it in the bathroom. I don’t really remember to use it in cooking but I do use it for my teeth. I know it sounds a bit off but bear with me.
Years ago I would use white strips to whiten my teeth to help combat stains from my morning coffee. What I noticed by day three of using the strips was the sensitivity to my teeth which would drive me right up the wall. I would suffer through this twice a year not to mention how expensive they became.
My brother, who appreciates natural remedies as much as I do told me about the benefit of brushing my teeth with turmeric. I seriously thought he was losing it but I listened anyway. He told me that it whitens teeth without the agony of sensitivity. I was trying to wrap my brain around the fact that turmeric stains everything in its path bright orange………..FOREVER! I must admit the fact that he was correct and here’s what the procedure entails.
At first I used turmeric daily for about two weeks and when I noticed how white my teeth became I went to a maintenance of weekly. I checked with my dentist to make sure it wasn’t harmful and he noticed they were an attractive white. He couldn’t find anything stating it was bad for my teeth so I continue to use turmeric to this day.
I brush my teeth like usual and then I brush with turmeric. I have a separate toothbrush and use a shot glass with about a fourth full of turmeric and add water till it’s a paste. I brush really well again only this time I brush my entire mouth. I brush all around my gums, tongue, under the tongue, roof of my mouth and pay special attention the front of my teeth. It’s great for inflammation so it can’t possibly hurt to work it all through your mouth. I rinse very well. Let me repeat that. I rinse very well as in a thousand times! You need to make sure you rinse completely or the corners of your mouth will appear orange and people will slowly walk away from you throughout the day. Please remember that everything around you that turmeric touches will stain; everything except your teeth.
I noticed a difference in whiteness within a week and I was very excited at the thought of not ever using painful strips again. I’ve brushed like this for a few years now and I’m never disappointed how my teeth look. For anyone who can’t tolerate the sensitivity or cost of teeth whitening brushing with turmeric is an awesome alternative.