Turmeric for Whiter Teeth

It’s not just for cooking!

If you wanted to find Turmeric in my house you’d locate it in the bathroom.  I don’t really remember to use it in cooking but I do use it for my teeth.  I know it sounds a bit off but bear with me.

Years ago I would use white strips to whiten my teeth to help combat stains from my morning coffee.  What I noticed by day three of using the strips was the sensitivity to my teeth which would drive me right up the wall.  I would suffer through this twice a year not to mention how expensive they became.

My brother, who appreciates natural remedies as much as I do told me about the benefit of brushing my teeth with turmeric.  I seriously thought he was losing it but I listened anyway. He told me that it whitens teeth without the agony of sensitivity. I was trying to wrap my brain around the fact that turmeric stains everything in its path bright orange………..FOREVER!  I must admit the fact that he was correct and here’s what the procedure entails.

At first I used turmeric daily for about two weeks and when I noticed how white my teeth became I went to a maintenance of weekly.  I checked with my dentist to make sure it wasn’t harmful and he noticed they were an attractive white. He couldn’t find anything stating it was bad for my teeth so I continue to use turmeric to this day.

I brush my teeth like usual and then I brush with turmeric.  I have a separate toothbrush and use a shot glass with about a fourth full of turmeric and add water till it’s a paste. I brush really well again only this time I brush my entire mouth.  I brush all around my gums, tongue, under the tongue, roof of my mouth and pay special attention the front of my teeth.  It’s great for inflammation so it can’t possibly hurt to work it all through your mouth. I rinse very well.  Let me repeat that. I rinse very well as in a thousand times! You need to make sure you rinse completely or the corners of your mouth will appear orange and people will slowly walk away from you throughout the day. Please remember that everything around you that turmeric touches will stain; everything except your teeth.

I noticed a difference in whiteness within a week and I was very excited at the thought of not ever using painful strips again.  I’ve brushed like this for a few years now and I’m never disappointed how my teeth look.  For anyone who can’t tolerate the sensitivity or cost of teeth whitening brushing with turmeric is an awesome alternative.




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