One Lotion for Many Skin Types

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Soft as a baby’s butt

Living in upstate New York for the first forty-nine years of my life took a major toll on my dry skin.  The winters were cold, very dry, very long and it was difficult to not feel like a dried-up prune.

I can remember that lotion was never enough and if I wanted my skin to feel soft and hydrated a thin application of Vaseline would be necessary.  And it was applied from my face right on down to my feet.  I know it sounds gross but it worked like a champ! 

Florida has been my home since 2002 and my skin loves the humidity. But that hasn’t stopped me from continuing my skin care routine, only it’s been modified.  Every once in a while I would try a new moisturizer that promised great results, I’d end up using my lotion/Vaseline combo and my skin would be happy again. 

A few years ago when I was at the dermatologist the discussion of skin care came up.  My dermatologist recommended CeraVe and said it was the best product to keep skin soft and hydrated.  She said that CeraVe contains three essential ceramides to help restore the skin’s natural barrier and help keep it hydrated.  Of course I ran to Walgreens and purchased it.  Well, let me tell you that was the best advice ever!  There aren’t too many moisturizers out there that have ceramides but you can bet there will be more emerging soon.

The skin care routine for last few years has been CeraVe from head to toe.  The only difference is that I apply only the thinnest layer of Vaseline on my face and neck after applying the CeraVe because there is already petroleum in the ingredients.  The remainder of my body gets the combination of CeraVe and coconut oil.  My skin is the softest ever and the backs of my arms are now like a baby’s butt; very smooth.  They haven’t felt like that in a long, long time.

I’ve always gotten compliments on my skin and I wish I would’ve taken pictures of the faces I would get when I mentioned Vaseline on my face!  The looks were anywhere from fright to disgust; very entertaining.  When I had to switch dermatologists because of an insurance change she complimented my facial skin asked me what I used.  When I said the word Vaseline she just glared at me!  I think she thought I was lying….

Like anything else we try for the first time, patience is key.  The amazing change in my skin didn’t happen overnight.  You will notice an overall difference immediately but the real difference happens down the road. And remember when purchasing CeraVe to buy the container with the pump (then just buy the regular containers for refills).  Moisturizers can lose their effectiveness when constantly being exposed to the light and open air.  I am extremely happy with this product and I can’t imagine ever using anything else. Try this before spending an enormous amount of money on broken promises.


Homemade Deodorant


Let it all Go…. Gray!