Be Prepared for Your Own Emergency

Lower your stress level

When you find yourself in an emergency situation be ready to react effectively.  Maybe a few of you already have accomplished this task but for those who have not, here is a good plan of action.  I want to share with you an idea that has all your medical information to hand over to EMS or the emergency room check-in person.  I choose Excel because I find it easy to update but you can use Word or whatever is easy for you.

I learned this from the medical emergencies my late husband experienced for years before he lost his battle with MS.  When I would call 911 no less than three emergency vehicles would show up at our house within a few minutes. That hardly gave me enough time to gather all his meds and try to remember all his complications, allergies, procedures plus a slew of questions I barely got correct under duress. 

Eventually we realized that calling 911 would unfortunately become a common occurrence. That’s when we figured out a way to lower the stress level of an already horrific stressful situation; the medical sheet. There was a common theme that we adopted, taking control over something we have absolutely no control over!

That was years ago but fast forward to my life today and this piece of information has become quite useful to me. I have a history of kidney stones (thanks Mom!) and there were times when I needed emergency attention.  Let me tell you that when I am in unbearable pain the very last thing I am able to do is spit out all my correct medical information without wanting to scream!  And that is when my brain cannot think straight to give them all the facts they need to safely treat me. 

Here’s my deal.  When I do make it to the ED I effortlessly hand over my ID, insurance cards, debit card and my medical sheet with all the information they need.  Nobody needs to ask ANYTHING pertaining to my medical history!!!  That is just the way I like it and it speeds up the process to see the doctor and get drugs to ease the agony and discomfort until we figure out my status.  Of course if the entourage of EMS vehicles show up at my door instead then I will be more than thrilled to hand the information over to those very capable, good-looking firefighters and ambulance guys!

Seriously, this medical sheet is especially vital for anyone who lives alone. Keep in mind you may have a tough time talking or can’t get to your wallet with your information. Having the sheet on your fridge will expedite your treatment if you need to call 911. Let friends and relatives know how you will be handling emergencies and always make sure they have updates.

In conclusion, do yourself, your family and all medical attendants a huge favor.  Write down all of your medical information, get updated copies to necessary people, keep a few in your wallet to disperse in a millisecond and lower your stress level.  Get the immediate care you deserve which can possibly save your life!

Email me anytime at if you have questions or need assistance.


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Mother Nature