Sail Through Any Pandemic

Take control for your own good!

I do not consider myself a rebel or an extremist by any means.  There are times that stubbornness would apply in my life but it usually stems from previous experiences and their outcomes.  Gathering accurate information and listening to our gut or inner source will lead us to correct solutions.  And if we all look back on our lives and we’re honest, we know our gut reactions have driven us toward the truth, no matter what anyone else tried to tell us.  That is not extreme, it’s instinct.

Well, it’s been months since this pandemic hit us and I still don’t know what to make of it.  I know it exists and people have severely suffered and some have lost their lives.   Everyone has their own idea how to live in this new environment but nobody has the right to coerce others who don’t agree.  Listening to the media doesn’t help because they’ve made it their business to skew the facts and make everything political.  There are people who have allowed the media to brainwash them which could cause even greater harm.  So what is one to do and who should we listen to about how to live our lives with this virus and future pandemics?   

Unfortunately we need to absorb an enormous amount of information over time and do our own investigations.  I’ve learned from the past to ask questions and it didn’t matter who I was questioning, including the most respected doctors or any prestigious individuals.  It shouldn’t matter how educated or experienced anyone is, if what they’re telling you doesn’t make sense then you have a right to question it.  Do your own research and if your doctors don’t have time to listen to your concerns then dismiss those doctors and yes I’ve had to do that.  And I have never regretted it.  It’s impossible to manage your selfcare or a loved one’s if you don’t have proper information. 

Let’s talk about prevention and scare tactics.  I’m ok with wearing a mask out of respect and protection in public buildings or in crowds but you’ll never find me wearing one walking the beach or riding my bike.  If this virus is famous for attacking lungs then wouldn’t it make sense to get outside and take in as much fresh air as possible to increase the health of our lungs?  Locking ourselves up in our homes 24/7 and continually wearing a mask is not a healthy option.  And if someone in high esteem orders me to wear goggles with my mask, with all due respect the answer is no thank you.  We are constantly being assaulted with somebody’s professional recommendations and it’s up to all of us to stay knowledgeable, know where to draw the line and say no!  

Our bodies are so sophisticated and fully equipped to fight most invaders.  We know that to keep viruses at bay our immune system needs to be operating at peak performance.  Maintaining good nutrition is key and good food should be used as our number one medicine.  Most everyone has access to a decent food source more than ever and I’m not talking about loading up on Burger King.  Many Aldi stores are continuing to build around our country and have great varieties of food at decent prices, less expensive than McDonald’s.  Our bodies thrive better on water, a banana, and an apple than a processed burger, greasy fries, and soda.  I’d like a nickel for every time I’ve seen those unhealthy choices being made and there’s no excuse for it anymore.  It’s more than annoying when I hear mainstream media tell me that a large percentage of people are at a disadvantage when it comes to good nutrition.  I refuse to feel guilty for sick people choosing not to eat well. 

What about if we spent government dollars on educating everyone about proper nourishment and teach parents and children how to cook at home?  Back in the day I had to complete four years of Home Economics that was mandatory to graduate high school.  We have a serious need for education in life skills right this minute but I’m not seeing it. 

Wholesome food helps but supplements may have to come into play because our food sources don’t hold as much nutritional value.  You can get complete blood work done and your doctor can tell you if there’s a deficiency and what supplements to take to get your system up and going strong.  There may be an extra expense in taking better care of yourself but it’s not half as expensive as trying to mend a hospitalized, unhealthy person.   The hospital is the last place anyone should want to spend time.  But we need to do more than just eat well.

Our bodies have amazing systems in place to help fight diseases and we need to keep those systems well-functioning. Yoga poses, proper breathing, stretching are good examples of waking up the circulatory system which carries oxygenated cells through the body to help fight the bad players.  Adding about twenty minutes of cardio daily to raise the heart rate sets the body in motion for the day and it shouldn’t cost a penny.

Do whatever you can to lower your stress level (like go outside and BREATHE) so the immune system can continue maintaining good health instead of depleting all its energy fighting stress demons.  I realize that keeping calm is not easy to do in our current environment so you must adopt the mindset of controlling yourself only and let the rest go, like in meditating.  Again, hard to do but once you feel yourself at peace it becomes a useful and beneficial habit. 

If you’ve always taken decent care of yourself and your immune system isn’t compromised from a health issue you should fly through this pandemic like a champ.  If you’ve done nothing to support your total health then here’s your opportunity to enhance a better life.  Remember that your body knows exactly what to do to heal itself but you must do your part.  Get educated and listen to your gut!


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