Food and Beverage TheSue V Food and Beverage TheSue V


It shouldn’t be your “business as usual” orientation or fast track training

When I think back at the times when some employees were thrown into their positions (and I’m guilty of being a part of it), it appalls me!  In the food and beverage industry there are many occasions when under-staffing does occur.  It’s usually at the busiest time of the season and it was acceptable to toss the new employee right into the deep end of the pool. You know what I mean, give them a handful of knowledge and let them sink or swim at that busiest time and see how they fair. I’m quite certain that I was responsible for some innocent server’s hate of the industry, therapy sessions and nightmares. 

Thank God we’ve learned what NOT to do anymore.  It’s an unpleasant experience for the new employee to feel like they just got pushed off The Empire State Building.  But it’s also quite frustrating to the seasoned employees and members/customers.  There are unfortunate stumbling blocks managers experience when hiring, onboarding and training.  Even though intentions are good issues can get in the way.

For instance if the business is seasonal then attention to the labor budget is critical.  This states exactly how much time you’re able to spend with the new employee before revenue streams in to justify the labor costs.  If thoughts are given to the long-term effects of how it either benefits or damages your business or deflates the new employee, you may want to rethink your labor/training budget.

Hiring the right person for the job is also a first critical step for making sure you create and grow a successful employee.  I know we’ve all heard this before that “anyone can be a server” and I’ll be the first one to tell you that’s not entirely true.  Some individuals are not “people pleasers” but instead they thrive successfully alone in an office setting.  Lowering our standards to hiring just warm bodies is unacceptable and not fair to anyone in the building.

A potential employee may have the skills needed to perform all the necessary duties but are they a good fit for the culture of your business?  Some of those concerns can be lessened during the interview process by asking specific questions.  Just hiring someone because they’re experienced is not the answer if their behavior falls off the spectrum of whatever’s normal for your particular organization. 

Another stumbling block occurs after the technical part of the training is finished.  During the busy time nobody has a moment to answer questions that the new employee may have.  Either they make a judgement call (and hope they have good moral sense) or ask another employee who may not want to give out the most accurate information.

Adequate time is needed to make sure we’ve provided enough of a comfort level to put the new employee at ease so continuous learning is successful.  Here are a few suggestions to start:

1.      Every new employee needs to be introduced to all managers and employees and know what everyone’s function is.

2.      Give a complete tour of the facility including all restrooms

3.      Give specifics how you’d like members/customers to be addressed

4.      Go over all procedures for normal front of the house food and beverage operations. Also address safety concerns e.g., emergency procedures (including major disasters, violence in the workplace, 911 procedures, broken glass in the ice bin).  Knowing such techniques can put a new employee at ease and keep everyone protected.

Anything that can be done to create a level of confidence for a new staff member is always a win-win situation. Onboarding and training are important topics that lay the foundation for success and there will be additional content posted soon.

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Food and Beverage TheSue V Food and Beverage TheSue V

The Art of Dining Alone

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Find a restaurant that makes you feel like family

It’s very normal to take something for granted and we all do it at one time or another.  When you spend years with a significant other doing your favorite things together life can toss you an alternate plan.  Whether the loss is divorce or death it makes no difference, a loss is a loss and you’ll need to carry on.

I can recall remaining quite functional in my time of loss but there was definitely something missing and it was entertainment, having fun, going out, meeting people.  It took me a while before the thought of dining alone in a restaurant would seem normal to me.  Let’s face it, years of conditioning and habits make it challenging to spring forward into an altered behavior.  But like anything else a situation can suddenly occur turning your life upside down and a change of mindset is mandatory.

There was a seafood restaurant in Delray that we used to frequent.  The first time walking in there alone was a little heartbreaking.  That feeling immediately dissolved when I was greeted with familiar faces welcoming me with open arms.  Once I made it through the first time dining solo it eventually got a bit easier.  As one of their regulars I would instantly be escorted to the bar where my favorite glass of chardonnay would be poured, place setting arranged and menu handed to me.  I wasn’t alone I was with family.

I moved closer to West Palm Beach and will still take myself out occasionally for dinner.  That same warm, welcoming feeling can be found in Oceano Kitchen in Lantana.  Every time I passed by this restaurant it would be loaded with customers every night it was open.  After searching their website I realized how specialized they are with a new, limited menu daily with the freshest ingredients.  That really got my attention and I was as good as there!

They open at five and I was excited and waiting to be seated.  When asked if I’d like to sit at the Chef’s table I immediately said yes and knew I was in for one awesome experience.  It was like being part of the show and watching how they operated their kitchen and the care given to each order.  The Chef and his crew treated me like I’ve been there a million times and made me feel at home with light conversation and smiles.  Dinner and the service were out of this world and I couldn’t have asked for anything better.

That wasn’t the end of my amazing experience.  A single woman came in and sat next to me at the table, smiled and asked me if this was my first time here.  When I told her yes she looked at me with a sincere smile and said, “welcome to the family.”   Wow!  What a remarkable feeling. 

For those of you who’ve read my blogs know that it’s not always about the food that attracts me to a restaurant.  It’s how the employees make you feel and Oceano Kitchen happens to be one of the unique restaurants that possesses both qualities. 

If you’re single for whatever reason don’t think twice about dining alone, Oceano Kitchen is waiting to offer you an experience you’ll always remember.  My personal thanks to Chef/Owner Jeremy Bearman, his wife Cindy (whose desserts are to die for!), the Chefs and wait staff for removing the stigma of dining alone.  I’ll be back!

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Obsessed! TheSue V Obsessed! TheSue V

Cast Iron Cookware

Ohhhh….that bakery smell!!!

I’ll never go back to stainless

If you’ve read my previous blogs you already know that when I find a product that really strikes me I am compelled to share it.  My purchase of cast iron cookware is no different.

Years ago I used the horrid, unhealthy Teflon pans and didn’t know any better.  I needed easy at that time in my life and that was easiest clean up ever!  My parents used Farberware in the 80s and I inherited those pans in early 2000 and still cooked with them until just recently. 

Now that I have more time for myself I’m no longer really looking for easy cookware; I’m looking for healthy cookware.  In further reading about the Farberware stainless steel I realized that they were aluminum based.   I know they say the pots are safe unless they get pitted but how do we know that for sure? And especially since they’ve been in use since 1980?!

I remember my Dad used to have a cast iron pan but I have no idea what happened to that.  Maybe that’s when my Mom stepped in and said she no longer wanted to perform a workout just by lifting the pan anymore.  I can’t be certain why they decided to make the switch all I know is that it’s time for me to retire the Farberware.

There is no denying that the cast iron is much heavier but I eliminated that issue by purchasing the rack that sits on my buffet in the kitchen.  So I don’t need to bend over into the bottom drawer.  I didn’t want the weight of the pans to have any bearing on my decision to switch to the cast iron. 

What I didn’t realize is how very functional this cast iron is.  Wherever there is heat you’re able to utilize these pans, the stovetop, oven or grill.  I love pasta and there’s nothing better than next day leftovers severely browned in oil and the cast iron did not disappoint.  Searing my strip steak to perfection (just black on the outside and raw on the inside) was amazing.  So I looked up few recipes and baked bread and a delicious lemon blueberry pound cake.   When I baked bread in the deep pan the entire condo smelled like a bakery…scrumptious!!  I must admit that I need to revisit making the bread again as the middle was too dense.  It will be my pleasure to continue practicing that recipe. 

The issue of cleaning cast iron and food sticking does not exist if you do what the directions read.  In all instances I let the pans completely cool off and run warm water in them using a sponge to clean off all foods.  After baking the bread I simply rubbed the pan with a clean cloth and put it back on the rack.  Clean up was made easy because the set arrived pre seasoned. 

I think I found my forever pans and I little workout for my arms certainly won’t hurt even well into my 90s.

Bon appetite!

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Essential Oil Diffuser

Modify your mood with the familiar scent of……

Just another way to continue enjoying peace and calm in your home

Years ago burning incense was one of my favorite ways to make the house smell great. I ran through quite a few packages rather quickly.  Once my children were mobile and running around I curtailed burning incense to reduce just one less incident leading us to an emergency room; the double earaches were enough for me.

It was last fall when I started using my essential oil diffuser and purchased a huge variety of oils to choose from.  I also bought a book about how many uses there are for the oils and found it worthwhile.  It lets you know which scents are beneficial for however you’d like to feel or whatever small issue you may be experiencing.  For instance orange essential oil aides in the feeling of joy, peppermint is invigorating and lavender can be used at night in the bedroom to help to induce the feeling of calm. The book illustrates how to make healing lotions, personal care products, oils for your pets and what oils to stock in your medicine cabinet.

Most people tend to equate scents with memories and love how they make them feel.  I can easily produce a feeling of content and warmth when using the cinnamon and vanilla combo during Thanksgiving time.  Christmas memories with family, great food and laughter flood my mind when I pour balsam fir oil in the diffuser.  

On a normal day I love ylang ylang for a mood lifter and a combo of patchouli (reminds me of a good friend I lost to breast cancer) and grapefruit.  These are the same oils I also use in my homemade deodorant. 

Essential oils have been around for many, many years and used for medicinal remedies.  They have been known to ease symptoms of arthritis, depression, skin irritations, digestive disorders, etc.  I use them daily because I love how they make me feel and I get to choose how I want to feel depending on what scent I use.  And I love options!

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Homemade Deodorant


A more natural way

It took time before I got on board with making and using homemade deodorant.  It was the last thing on my mind with the limited time frame when I was working.  I love finally having time to experiment with my crazy obsessions!  And this is quick and easy.

There have been many myths flying around about the dangers of using antiperspirants and I’m not sure where the actual truth lies.  But I usually err on the side of caution and anything I can do to release pent up toxins or heavy metals, I’m in.  Let me also say that some homemade recipes don’t always work for everyone.

I’ve experimented with many products in the past that are supposed to be good for “you” (all of us in general). After years of spending time and money I finally learned that some of those products may or may not work for me.  And the homemade deodorant is not an exception.

Here’s my take on what I experienced with homemade deodorant.  I’ve never been a sweaty person and years of antiperspirants kept me very dry in most circumstances.  When I started making my blend I recalled that it didn’t take much for my underarms to sweat. It was a foreign feel to me and wondered if it was working; there was not an odor, just wet.  After researching about it I found that the wetness or sweating was normal.  My sweat glands were doing what they do best…cool me down, release toxins and heavy metals!  Now we all know that the liver and kidneys do a great job of removing most of the toxins.  But I figure why not help those organs out a bit?  There are so many more toxins around than there used to be. It can’t possibly hurt to stay on a more natural course.  And if it’s doing something that’s good for me then why not?

I had gotten used to the sweat but after a year+ with my deodorant blend I find that the sweat has even lessened and I live in South Florida. 

If you’re interested in trying your hand at this experiment then follow the easy recipe below. Have fun with it! All the ingredients can be purchased by clicking on the images below. Some of my favorite essential oils I love to add in are patchouli and grapefruit combo, cinnamon and vanilla or just ylang ylang.


1.    Use a small glass bowl and mix well even amounts of baking soda and arrowroot. My first batch was ten tablespoons of each.

2.   Slowly add coconut oil until you get your desired texture. Add essential oils with a fragrance you enjoy (about 20 drops). If you prefer a consistent texture that won’t harden in cold weather use fractionated coconut oil. Avoid making the texture soupy with too much oil; it’ll be more difficult to apply.

3.   Place in a glass container with a lid. This amount will literally last for many months.

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One Lotion for Many Skin Types

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Soft as a baby’s butt

Living in upstate New York for the first forty-nine years of my life took a major toll on my dry skin.  The winters were cold, very dry, very long and it was difficult to not feel like a dried-up prune.

I can remember that lotion was never enough and if I wanted my skin to feel soft and hydrated a thin application of Vaseline would be necessary.  And it was applied from my face right on down to my feet.  I know it sounds gross but it worked like a champ! 

Florida has been my home since 2002 and my skin loves the humidity. But that hasn’t stopped me from continuing my skin care routine, only it’s been modified.  Every once in a while I would try a new moisturizer that promised great results, I’d end up using my lotion/Vaseline combo and my skin would be happy again. 

A few years ago when I was at the dermatologist the discussion of skin care came up.  My dermatologist recommended CeraVe and said it was the best product to keep skin soft and hydrated.  She said that CeraVe contains three essential ceramides to help restore the skin’s natural barrier and help keep it hydrated.  Of course I ran to Walgreens and purchased it.  Well, let me tell you that was the best advice ever!  There aren’t too many moisturizers out there that have ceramides but you can bet there will be more emerging soon.

The skin care routine for last few years has been CeraVe from head to toe.  The only difference is that I apply only the thinnest layer of Vaseline on my face and neck after applying the CeraVe because there is already petroleum in the ingredients.  The remainder of my body gets the combination of CeraVe and coconut oil.  My skin is the softest ever and the backs of my arms are now like a baby’s butt; very smooth.  They haven’t felt like that in a long, long time.

I’ve always gotten compliments on my skin and I wish I would’ve taken pictures of the faces I would get when I mentioned Vaseline on my face!  The looks were anywhere from fright to disgust; very entertaining.  When I had to switch dermatologists because of an insurance change she complimented my facial skin asked me what I used.  When I said the word Vaseline she just glared at me!  I think she thought I was lying….

Like anything else we try for the first time, patience is key.  The amazing change in my skin didn’t happen overnight.  You will notice an overall difference immediately but the real difference happens down the road. And remember when purchasing CeraVe to buy the container with the pump (then just buy the regular containers for refills).  Moisturizers can lose their effectiveness when constantly being exposed to the light and open air.  I am extremely happy with this product and I can’t imagine ever using anything else. Try this before spending an enormous amount of money on broken promises.

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Let it all Go…. Gray!

The color gray…….cool, neutral, balanced

The color gray…….cool, neutral, balanced

Gray hair = healthy hair, natural beauty, low maintenance, your true colors

Coloring my hair many years ago started out as something fun and different to do.  Of course as time went on it was more about covering those nasty gray hairs and attempting to hold onto the color as long as possible.  There are so many issues pertaining to hair color that we all put up with to maintain that youthful look.  And today young people are paying big bucks to go gray. WHAT?!

For starters I remember how hard it was to get the correct color that was appropriate for me.    If I had a tan then I can go a bit darker but if not then I needed a softer brown because of my lighter skin color. And then the summer sun would fade the color out much faster and it meant a trip to the salon sooner than usual.  My very fine hair didn’t need to be processed that often and I’m not really a hat person.  So it’s the nonsense of having fresh, beautiful color only to hide and protect it so nobody sees it!?

Then there’s the anxiety of having to change hair stylists for whatever reason.  I found that to be more stressful than giving birth!  Now we start from square one all over again in picking a color and explaining how we’d like them to style our hair.  Usually after four to six months they get it right and all is good again.  Remember to book your appointment if you’re going out of town; you can’t leave anything to chance.  And if you’re going to be outside in the sun remember your hat.

Of course I can’t possibly leave out the expense of it all.  From the time I’d walk into the salon to getting back out to my car it would be anywhere from $100 (in the early years) to $250 every five weeks.  God forbid if I splashed in a few highlights.  Don’t forget the necessary products needed for fading, shampoo for processed or damaged hair, etc. Tipping is not an option and I believe it’s necessary but it could cost a few bucks if the salon has various people performing tasks along the way; the person shampooing hair, maybe a separate colorist and then the stylist.

This may be all well and good until you start thinking about retirement and looking at your expenses.  Is the gray removal an expense you’ll be able to maintain without your current paycheck?  If not you may want to explore the option of working with your gray and choosing a style that showcases your “maturity.”  I haven’t colored my hair in a few years and I have no regrets.  Yes, it did take a while to get it the way I like it but it’s so darn worth it.  In my opinion going gray is the exact equivalent to going bra-less (for guys it would be like going commando); it’s an amazing sense of freedom.  Love it. My hair has never felt this good and I know it’s better for the health of my hair.

By choice I have an extra expense for one product that brightens my gray.  When I’m in the sun there is a shimmer of a pastel lavender color that is very attractive.  I will use the lavender product when I’m going out or when I feel my gray needs a little boost.  They have various choices of color to choose from and I purchase this about twice a year. No hat is required ever again.

I go to my stylist (the owner) about every five to six weeks and never pay more than fifty dollars.  The cut and blow dry are forty-five dollars and I tip the shampoo lady five dollars (I like her) and of course I don’t tip the owner.  That is definitely on my budget!

My normal gray without the lavender rinse

My normal gray without the lavender rinse

The color looks richer after the lavender rinse

The color looks richer after the lavender rinse

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Food and Beverage TheSue V Food and Beverage TheSue V


Why do some managers believe that documentation makes them the bad guy?

Why do some managers believe that documentation makes them the bad guy?

Employee write ups are never popular but it can save your job and the company you work for

Employee documentation is necessary for a couple reasons and some managers can completely miss the boat on this subject.  It’s that fear of becoming known as the “bad guy” who’s famous for dragging employees in the office for punishment.  I’m quite certain you were hired for your skills and experience and not to become best friends or popular with the employees.

There is a much bigger concern to look at when we talk about keeping documentation on employees. As a manager the first responsibility is to protect yourself, your organization, club, restaurant, etc.  Another responsibility is to your employee to guide their way to success. When all those concepts are cemented down in your gut you will realize that documentation is vital to everyone’s wellbeing. 

There will always be a few employees who need guidance and just talking sometimes doesn’t work.  Let’s say a new server (we’ll call her Linda) started training and everything seems to be going well. Then you’re hearing some under current from other employees and witnessing that Linda isn’t performing side work procedures correctly. When you bring Linda into the office and first ask her if everything is okay she says that all is well. When you mention that her side work isn’t acceptable Linda comes back with an apology and says that she’ll be more careful. It’s a good idea to follow up and have Linda continue training with a seasoned server and with someone you trust. Document what happened and state your solution to resolve it.

There could’ve been a hundred reasons why all the sudden Linda took a bad turn. It’s very important to stay on top of this situation. Hopefully it was an isolated incident and Linda is back on track, becoming successful and one of your super stars. But if the negligent behavior continues and worsens Linda needs to return to the office for a write up.  It’s mentioned again how important proper procedures are and that her standards are not up to par.  Give Linda time to explain but after that her signature is needed on the documentation.  If she refuses to sign then it’s time to bring in another manager to sign instead, stating that Linda refused to.

Linda’s behavior is now cancerous and the employees are looking to you to fix it.  By now it’s clear that Linda will be signing her way out the door and this should not be a slow process.  If you’ve done everything possible for her then there’s nothing to worry about if Linda decides to sue you personally and the company.  Your decision for continued training and further valid documentations will keep a lawsuit at bay. There may be a boat load of meetings with her attorney(s) but completing your due diligence will eventually pay off.

Now that’s how you protect your company and yourself from possible lawsuits and spending thousands of dollars. And your job is saved because of taking the time and the uncomfortable effort to document and do the right thing.  It’s not a far-fetched story; it happens more than you realize.  Do not get caught up in something that will follow you to your next job interview.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that write ups are great tools when you employ someone who just needs guidance in the right direction.  They may get one write up and when their light bulb goes on you never have another issue with them again!  Not only do they become your super star but they thank you for taking the time to direct them properly.  That’s one awesome employee who was lucky to have you as a manager.

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Self Care TheSue V Self Care TheSue V

A Functional Workout Suit....Finally

Since the very second I moved down here in the early 2000’s from upstate New York I’ve been working out in a swimming pool or riding my bike.  When the weather doesn’t cooperate I’m on an elliptical or just settle in with yoga and stretches.  My work out is early in the morning and I hope to continue this habit for years to come. My routine has everything to do with how successful the rest of my day continues.

I used to purchase a very specific one-piece bathing suit that worked well with all the various work outs.  I would buy five or six at a time and when they’d wear out I’d purchase another bunch of them.  In time it was easier to buy them online either through Walmart or Amazon.  Change is inevitable and I usually don’t have an issue moving forward.  However I wasn’t good with the fact that this one-piece suit has been discontinued.  I’ve bought similar countless suits for the past two months only to return them.  Stores have them but they’re now made cheaply or the fit is only for petites.

Finally I gave up looking for that particular bathing suit and began searching for athletic workout clothing. There aren’t that many workout suits that are acceptable to me for a ladies’ bathing suit.  Eventually my several searches paid off and discovered a suit that is better than what I’ve been wearing for almost twenty years.  I LOVE this thing!!  It is quite flattering for this older body (gravity issues) and feels comfortable but keeps my body compressed without feeling squeezed into it.

As I age there are certain characteristics I look for in an outfit. I certainly don’t mind looking my age but I enjoy it better if a certain style is maintained.  And there’s a very fine line between looking stylish and looking like I’m trying to look thirty again (and we all know that’s not happening).  My body doesn’t do well with high rise leg openings, thin shoulder straps, or tight material that cut into the soft tissue between my arms and chest wall.  My legs look a bit like ham hocks with high rise anything, thin shoulder straps are uncomfortable when working out, and if the upper body of the suit is too tight then I have all kinds of skin poking out everywhere like it’s trying to escape.

My new suit has a racerback which made me nervous because I wasn’t sure if the back straps would dig in and hideous lumps would plop out.  To my surprise the back looked good and I won’t hesitate to wear this in public to the pool or walk the beach.  It’s also very doable to slap my shorts on and ride the bike.  I’m going the purchase more of them and the price is comparable to what the previous suit was and I couldn’t be happier!

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Sanitation - Part ll

Getting back to basics will avoid this!

You don’t want to even think about going here…………..

You don’t want to even think about going here…………..

Keeping yourself and others healthy

We talked about sanitation and how important it is to recognize foods that are no longer safe to eat applying our senses; using expiration dates as guidelines only.  We will focus this segment on our own habits, how they’re perceived and how to avoid harm to ourselves and others.

The most important way to prevent spreading illnesses (especially in flu season) is to properly wash your hands many times a day.  Proper hand washing includes soap and water and thoroughly wash entire hands long enough to sing the happy birthday song twice.  Hand washing needs to be done after using the restroom, sneezing, smoking, touching your body, shaking hands with someone who’s ill, handling soiled items or anything that has the potential to spread germs.  

It’s understandable that you can’t constantly run to a restroom to wash your hands.  But every time you shake hands with someone who’s ill you need to train yourself to keep your hands away from your face and others until you’re able to properly wash your hands.

It has always been a struggle to inform employees to stay home when they’re not feeling well.  Most people need every single paycheck to survive and they do their best to hide a bad cold, fever or flu to maintain working.  I understand that completely but it needs to be looked at differently. The consequences can be damaging if an employee comes to work with an illness that can spread to everyone else.  Not only do the workers get sick but there’s potential to also get customers/members ill.  Managers need to be diligent in knowing their team well enough to recognize when they may need to be sent home to protect many more people. The same procedure goes for anyone exhibiting skin infections especially when festered sores are present.

Sometimes we don’t realize people are watching us when we display our habits.  Scratching our armpits, crotches, head, face, legs, etc. can nauseate a customer/member when they know you’ll be handling their food.  If your body needs attention in this fashion it would behoove you to get to a restroom.  Please remember to wash your hands before heading back out in front of people.

Keeping your body clean with a bath or shower daily and applying deodorant is important. Dirty fingernails are unacceptable and should be scrubbed with a nail brush before work when needed.  Teeth should be brushed after every meal or at least a mouthwash utilized. When time is limited a breath mint is acceptable.  Hair should be clean, neat and tied back or up off shoulders if hair is long.

I can’t say enough about the overuse of colognes and perfumes.  Anybody who works around food and serving the public needs to curtail the use of these products or avoid them completely.  Some people are very sensitive to scents and will literally get ill.  For me, if I’m around a strong perfume or cologne it heads straight up my nose and takes up residence in my taste buds.  There is no enjoyment eating when my food tastes like perfume. 

Take good care of yourself all year around and know when it’s time to stay home and get better.  Working when not feeling up to par can further your illness which may keep you out of work longer and cost you even more money.

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Close to my heart TheSue V Close to my heart TheSue V

In Loving Memory…

I would like to dedicate this page to all of us who’ve experienced loss in our lives. I’ll be 67 this May and there’s no way any of us have lived this long and not encountered the overwhelming sensation of sadness in losing someone we love, especially this time of year.

If you’ve ever had the amazing opportunity to work in the hospitality industry then you know there are many occasions when you’ll spend more time with your work family than your home family. We were all so very close where I worked. At one point there was a disturbing amount of deaths related to the employees in a very short amount of time. I must tell you that it was quite scary and unnerving as we’ve never faced this type of incessant suffering. The losses were mainly employee’s children and it seemed surreal as it continued to spiral. We also had someone’s spouse hit hard with devastating cancer who fortunately is alive and well today.

Thank God for the power of love we all possess. Everyone rallied together to help heal and stay close to one another. I believe it’s the reason we were all able to endure the sorrow and continue to successfully run our professional lives. I have faith in the fact that people are in our lives for a reason and there’s no better explanation than what we all went through together at that specific time; it’s exactly where we were all supposed be.

A few of us are no longer in that industry either because of retirement or off discovering new paths. But I’m thankful for the people in my life back then and comforted that I was a part of that incredible family.

A special dedication is to our dearest friend and colleague, Donna who passed away exactly one year ago. She was an amazing woman with a loyalty and commitment that out shined many. And that contagious smile……………………… There is only one benefit to Donna not being here and that’s the agonizing heartache she would’ve felt when her son, only child passed away just this past summer. Donna and the rest of our loved ones are treasured and will be forever missed.

Find joy each day.

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Manager Meetings

Keep it short and sweet!

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Short and Sweet

We should remember that how we communicate in a meeting with employees is powerful enough to drive a business into the ground.
It also could allow a business to succeed to amazing heights. Clarity from the sender to the receiver is imperative.
A manager needs to be aware of a few things when conducting a meeting with employees. Most of the time the communicator is focused on sending out information with little regard of clearness to the receiver. It’s important for employees to understand the content; they need to understand what is being said. Giving examples about a subject is effective because it allows the employees to associate with something or relate to.

Also note that everyone learns differently. For instance if I’m going to acquire new information effectively I will be most successful if I hear it, read it, and write it. I’m amazed at the people who can learn new information instantly, retain it and recall it at will.
Another suggestion is to take notes at a meeting so there is something to refer to when the manager is not available to help the new employees. And it doesn’t usually do any good to ask a coworker because they may have heard the wrong information and didn’t bother to ask for a clear explanation. Now there’s a potential disaster!

The meeting should be brief, have a comfortable atmosphere to enable questions (and yes, there are NO stupid questions!) and have a manager who is approachable for further explanations. It doesn’t matter how many times the manager asks if everybody understands. If the atmosphere is not conducive to a level of comfort a shy employee would rather “wing it” instead of taking the chance of looking like a fool.

I’ve learned to take a chance and ask questions in a meeting rather than look like a fool on the floor in front of customers/members or worse, the general manager!
That nauseated feeling of looking inept is something I will avoid at all costs; asking questions in a meeting has become minor.
When employees are well informed and perform well it reflects on them, on the management team and ultimately the general manager. Let it be a wonderful domino effect not a disastrous one.

I’m certain we’ve all had that feeling of satisfaction and contentment at work.
It’s when everyone is at the top of their game with the information needed to be successful. It’s when body language is fitting, the atmosphere is light and pleasing, everyone is walking with a sense of purpose and helping each other.

And before you realize it your shift is over and you’re looking forward to tomorrow.

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Food and Beverage TheSue V Food and Beverage TheSue V


It’s not a pretty subject but vital in preventing food-borne illnesses


It’s not a pretty subject but vital in preventing food-borne illnesses

Food-borne illnesses are caused by consuming contaminated food or beverage through various bacteria, viruses, parasites, toxins and harmful chemicals. Paying attention to some simple rules and keeping your senses alert can prevent someone or you from getting seriously ill.
Many people depend on the expiration dates to let them know if a food item is still good enough to digest. And I’ll tell you that date should be used as a guideline only; it should not be taken seriously.

Have you ever poured a big, cold glass of milk and as soon as you were ready to take a big gulp it smelled like cheese curls and you gagged uncontrollably? What if you poured that same glass of milk and never smelled it and it was for someone else instead? Huh.
As a server you would look very negligent to the customer/member and you can bet that the manager will find about it. As a side note remember that incident can easily make the customer/member have very little faith in anything else you do for them.
It literally will leave a bad taste in their mouth for a long time. In fact that newly acquired lack of trust can trickle down to the entire organization.

Look at those expiration dates but use your God given senses that you were born with. Your eyes can sense when an item is no longer edible and needs to be discarded. When a product changes texture or color you should see yellow flashing lights go on in your head! Milk is not chunky, the color of mold does not belong slathered all over your bread, layers of thick mucus-like slime have no business napping on your fresh fish, beef or pork. And neon green is the color of a sign and should not be seen on potatoes.

Thank goodness we also have a nose for back up when we just can’t believe our eyes.
It’s appalling to me when I forget something in the fridge and the item gets shoved in the back for weeks.
Oh boy does my nose ever take over what my eyes couldn’t see. Thank you Jesus!

The sense of touch is necessary if you don’t own a keen nose for smell
or didn’t have your contacts in to see the disgusting slime on the fish. But you sure could feel any sort of slippery gunk.
The subject of sanitation is immense and I’ll be covering more in another segment.
We will go over the simple rules to follow in keeping all of us safe from severe illnesses including the flu.

Practicing good sanitation creates habits that we can use in our daily lives and teach our families.
I’m not certain that I’ve ever had food poisoning because it mimics other health disorders.
The people who’ve told me they experienced food poisoning makes me turn green just thinking about it. It may have happened years ago but their experience is still raw
and I have zero interest in ever finding out what that feels like.

In the meantime, wash your hands a million times a day and don’t put your fingers and hands where somebody will be putting their mouth.
​That should be easy, right?

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Food and Beverage TheSue V Food and Beverage TheSue V

Proper Verbiage

Habits are Hard to Break

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Habits are Hard to Break

It may not seem fair but how we speak to people is how we’re looked at, stereo-typed, profiled. Being appropriately dressed for a job interview without the proper use of language will not necessarily get you hired.

Nobody acquired the use of slang better than I did especially in high school way back then.
​ It was the way to talk and most of us did what everybody else did to be cool.
How I spoke became a habit and every once in awhile I’d get the stink eye from my Dad.

And then you wake up one day, must work for a living and learn how to speak all over again. Some of those habits were very hard to break. It’s not always about using slang words it’s also using words that are correct but don’t have a positive vibe. There was no YouTube back then and the best way to learn something was to go to the library and read about it, go to a seminar or find a successful role model.
With today’s technology you can teach yourself anything without leaving your home.

Here are just a few easy examples of how to change the “feel” of what you’re trying to communicate to a customer or member:
It makes a difference when you switch the word “can” with “may” but sometimes it’s easier said than done.
When saying “Can I help you?” Use “How may I assist you?”
When saying “Can I get you a drink?” Use “May I offer you a beverage this afternoon?”
When saying “Can I take your plate?” Use “May I remove your plate?”
When saying “Can I get you another drink?” Use “May I freshen your beverage?”

You can hear how different the word “may” sounds, it sounds softer, more polite and caring. When I’m dining out I do not like when a server asks me if I want another drink or cocktail.
It makes me feel like I have a drinking problem, like I’m on drink number seven or something. But if they ask if I’d like my beverage freshened it sounds better to me.

Here are more easy switches that will have additional positive effects:
When saying “How is your lunch?” Use “Is everything to your satisfaction?”
When saying the word “What” Use words like “I beg your pardon?” or “Pardon me?”
When saying the word “Yes” Use words like “I’d be happy to,” “Absolutely,” or “Certainly.”
When saying “Thanks for coming.” Use “Thank you for dining with us this afternoon.”

Boy, I hate to admit it but I really believe my ninth grade typing class and English class were very instrumental in how I talk and email today.
I thankfully learned how to discriminate ​when using my slang lingo (Thanks Dad).
​When texting I still like to use a capital (yes, upper case) letter to start a sentence.
Habits cam be hard to break but it's possible

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Food and Beverage TheSue V Food and Beverage TheSue V


 Dare to look beyond experience when interviewing potential employees

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 Dare to look beyond experience when interviewing potential employees

A manager is asked to hire only the best which typically revolves around experience, appearance and manners for the given position. I understand how important experience can be especially if there’s little time spent on training.
It’s equally important to hire someone who has compassion and a passion for something, anything.

If a potential employee mentions they have a love for collecting rocks and they own two million of them they may be someone you need on the team. There are specific abilities and traits that are needed for this passion. Paying attention to detail and patience in collecting only the best rocks are abilities that not everyone has or cares to have.
Detail would be essential for doing inventory, charging the proper guest the accurate amount on their check or making sure hot food goes out hot.
Patience is key when working with the public, employees and multiple personalities.

Additional skills that can be beneficial from having a passion is learning, growing and keeping an open mind to thinking outside the box.
It’s healthy (both mentally and physically) to have a project/hobby that can be explored outside of work unlocking unlimited creativity.
The best kind of sideline is one that takes us away from daily routines, keeps us present, costs little to nothing to accomplish and creates a satisfying smile.
And let’s face it we all need a special place to go to release life’s stress.
There’s nothing like breathing in fresh air walking the beach, strolling through the woods listening to all nature’s creatures or the smell of a cool night’s flickering campfire.
All our senses deserve to escape daily repetition and indulge into whatever our hearts desire.
We just need give ourselves permission.

Let’s compare an experienced server with a server who also possesses compassion. The experienced server waits for everyone to sit down before taking a beverage order.
The compassionate server takes a couple of minutes to assist the people getting seated before taking the beverage order. The guests immediately develop an impression that they are in good capable hands with their second server.
I should also mention that if the compassionate server should make any errors
while waiting on those guests, chances are those mistakes will be forgiven and forgotten.
People will always remember how someone makes them feel, not so much how they perform.

I’ll never forget the time I was interviewing a gentleman for a server position who had zero experience and I was supposed to hire experience only.
He had everything else ​in his favor that can’t be taught, sincere smile, animated, energetic, grateful for my time.
I finally had to ask him why he’d interview for a position he had no knowledge of.
He told me that he had a strong desire to try something different in his life.
I hired him on the spot; he had me at strong desire.
He turned out to be an awesome employee and I learned to listen outside my brain when interviewing.

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Food and Beverage TheSue V Food and Beverage TheSue V

Be the Requested Server


Paying attention to detail

Paying attention to detail



It doesn’t take what you think to become the best server on the floor. Think about the times you’ve gone out to dinner. Why is a certain restaurant or club your favorite? Consistency in the food and drinks are very important and not an easy task. But it’s also important to have someplace where the servers are just as reliable with amazing attitudes.
A well-educated server may know all the specials, able to rattle off every kind of vodka and wine on the menu and delivers exactly what you’ve ordered like a robot.
That server isn’t necessarily the best if they have a know-it-all attitude or they're not hospitable.

The server who doesn’t know everything but approaches the table with a warm and sincere smile and asks how everyone’s day is going can easily surpass the well-educated server and I’ll tell you why. This is someone who genuinely loves her job, people, learning and loves life in general. This server is human enough to say she doesn’t have an answer but excuses herself to immediately obtain one. When she returns with the answer it’s with efficiency and an enthusiastic smile.

How about the next time you visit that restaurant/club and that same server calls by name? That feels very welcoming like you’ve just walked into your best friend’s house. You already know that server’s attitude, table side manner
and you recall that server being attentive (but not overly obnoxious). Now you feel like your guests are in good, capable hands. And that’s how a server can become a requested one.

Servers are important people who possess the ability to enhance your business or tear it down causing a customer to never return. Some customers or members won’t say anything about the dreadful service and you’ll never know what damage was done. Unfortunately it may eventually come out in the open when that server waits on your top customer or the president of the club. Now you’ve got real problems when you must answer to them and that’s when heads can roll, including yours as a manager for hiring, training and retaining that server.
A few of my favorite places to go will usually have one or more of the servers who make me feel at home. I love walking in and hearing my name with a sincere smile and feeling like they REALLY want me there! And honestly the food doesn’t need to be the best in town; it helps but it’s not the number one reason why I go there.
It’s about the whole experience to be shared with family and good friends.
I know that I’m about to embark on an enjoyable evening ​and that is what keeps me coming back asking for that same server.

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Food and Beverage TheSue V Food and Beverage TheSue V



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The sharing of information passed from one person to another would appear to be easy.
And yet more times than not something is going to get misconstrued and we wonder why. There are a variety of reasons why this happens. If it occurs more than you’d like it to then let’s see if we can figure out which one of these puzzling concepts sound familiar.
Communication comes in a few varieties and I’ll use the food and beverage industry as examples but this content goes across the board to all industries.

Lack of communication is when information is not completely provided or worse yet, when the information isn’t provided at all. It either can have an effect that’s irritating or it can have a serious life or death consequence.
​Either way it’s preventable when proper two-way communication is exercised.
Example – Sally takes an order for ten people and eight of them ordered their favorite
sweet potato fries. The kitchen never told anyone they were out of them.
Sally not only needs to go back and rectify that order but a few of the people are disappointed.
Reordering needs to happen fast and Sally has three other tables waiting for her to take their order.
Can we guess how the remainder of Sally’s shift may go?

Miscommunication is when the information is delivered incorrectly or received incorrectly. Bits of information expressed sometimes slip between the cracks. And sometimes that sender is accurate but the receiver fails to get it correct. The clarity of the message sent is just as important as making sure the receiver is actively listening.
Example – A member orders a vodka on the rocks with a splash of soda. The server didn’t repeat back the order, heard incorrectly and brought vodka on the rocks and a separate glass of soda water. Yep, another trip to a very busy bar to correct the order. As usual, other tables are patiently waiting to order.

Too Much Communication – is when the vital information gets lost in the sea of too much talking, too many unnecessary words (a sure case of logorrhea, my word of the day).
Instead of the receiver asking for clarity he/she must invent what makes sense of it all.
This is never a good thing and can have damaging results.
Example – A server is attempting to deliver an order for another server and asks where it needs to go. The directions are so vague and masked by an enormous amount of words that not only was much time wasted but the order was delivered to the wrong table; cold food and a return to the kitchen.

Non-Verbal Communication – is my most favorite type of communication and it’s the largest percentage of communication! Wouldn’t you think we’d pay better attention to this one?
Case in point, how does a manager expect employees to be effective, happy workers
when they see their manager has a slumped posture, doesn’t show up for work on time,
has zero eye contact, chews gum like a cow with cud and consistently
wears facial expressions of contempt or distress?
Another example – A bartender is being trained and the trainer (who has seniority) has an appalling attitude, speeds through the side work inadequately, talks down to the servers and hangs on the bar
​with feet on the rail. We all know that one coworker with seniority filled with entitlements
(that’s a loaded subject all by itself!!).
We need to be careful who’s conducting our training and what monsters we create.
Communication is the key ingredient in every relationship and in everything we do.

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Obsessed! TheSue V Obsessed! TheSue V


Doesn’t everybody categorize their shells?!

The colors are amazing!

The colors are amazing!

Every once in a while you can find your own shell holder!

Every once in a while you can find your own shell holder!


It’s an obsession, an addiction like a drug —only not bad for you.

​My Mom and Dad had a condo right on the ocean in Fort Lauderdale quite a few years ago. We would visit to escape the Upstate New York winter weather and I remember walking the beach and feeling like a million bucks. There was nothing like the ocean breeze, the warm sun on my body, the feel of the waves approaching the shore
and that smell……………..ahhhhhhhhhh…….heaven.

We walked a few times daily on the beach and my Mom would never catch up to us. Her head would be down most of the time looking for shells. I couldn’t figure out what the big deal was about “shelling” until I tried it myself; well, so much for the walking. I was addicted way back then and now I believe I’m worse than my Mom. I can’t help it. For the life of me I can’t begin to imagine why the heck it NEVER gets old. Shouldn’t I be sick of it by now? The answer is nope.

Whenever I stay at the beach my first thought is about the tide and if it brought shells onto the shore. To be honest I do walk a good distance at a decent pace. I just could never join a race because I’d come to a complete stop whenever my very experienced eye got a glimpse of that special shell. Ridiculous!
I’ve gained quite a collection in the last couple of years being here and they’re all over this condo. You’ll see some of the pictures on the website. After collecting many shells I’ve now become a shell snob. I don’t look at the ones I have a lot of anymore unless they’re the shells that are special to me in which case I can’t have enough. I never pictured myself as a shell snob but I am.

Anything that comes from the ocean (minus plastics and trash) is sacred to me and I believe the ocean has healing properties. There are some shells that I’ve turned into necklaces, bracelets or anything that keeps them close to my body.
Some shells aren’t really shells, they’re unique pieces that are various sizes, shapes and appear to have a wood grain and are just beautiful! Those have an extra smooth texture on one side and I keep a couple in my pocket. When I’m stressed, nervous or need to think I just rub my thumb up and down the smooth part and it helps relax my mind taking me right back to the ocean.

One of the best advantages about shelling is it’s the most inexpensive therapy ever. It quiets my mind and keeps me present where I belong. Sometimes it’s good to escape our world and enter a place where there’s peace, lovely thoughts and beautiful nature. I truly believe if we all took just a little time to get close to nature we would have an easier time with life ​and all its dilemmas.
The same feel is present when I’m walking in the woods, forest or a back-country road.

I would recommend shelling to anyone; there’s no discrimination here. Welcome to my obsession!!

My Mom’s favorite and hard to find

My Mom’s favorite and hard to find

I can’t possibly walk by and not pick them up when they’re staring at me!

I can’t possibly walk by and not pick them up when they’re staring at me!

It’s not always about the best shells

It’s not always about the best shells

Hours………… takes hours to get through my walk!

Hours………… takes hours to get through my walk!

Looks a bit like an uncle from years ago……………

Looks a bit like an uncle from years ago……………

These remind me of Asian rice hats!!

These remind me of Asian rice hats!!

I usually skip these stones when the ocean is calm but sometimes they’re keepers!

I usually skip these stones when the ocean is calm but sometimes they’re keepers!

If I could make jewelry I would apply                                             every one of these!!

Perfect, beautiful stones

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Self Care TheSue V Self Care TheSue V

Turmeric for Whiter Teeth

It’s WAY MORE than just a spice - it’s the health hack you didn’t know you needed!

It’s not just for cooking!

If you wanted to find Turmeric in my house you’d locate it in the bathroom.  I don’t really remember to use it in cooking but I do use it for my teeth.  I know it sounds a bit off but bear with me.

Years ago I would use white strips to whiten my teeth to help combat stains from my morning coffee.  What I noticed by day three of using the strips was the sensitivity to my teeth which would drive me right up the wall.  I would suffer through this twice a year not to mention how expensive they became.

My brother, who appreciates natural remedies as much as I do told me about the benefit of brushing my teeth with turmeric.  I seriously thought he was losing it but I listened anyway. He told me that it whitens teeth without the agony of sensitivity. I was trying to wrap my brain around the fact that turmeric stains everything in its path bright orange………..FOREVER!  I must admit the fact that he was correct and here’s what the procedure entails.

At first I used turmeric daily for about two weeks and when I noticed how white my teeth became I went to a maintenance of weekly.  I checked with my dentist to make sure it wasn’t harmful and he noticed they were an attractive white. He couldn’t find anything stating it was bad for my teeth so I continue to use turmeric to this day.

I brush my teeth like usual and then I brush with turmeric.  I have a separate toothbrush and use a shot glass with about a fourth full of turmeric and add water till it’s a paste. I brush really well again only this time I brush my entire mouth.  I brush all around my gums, tongue, under the tongue, roof of my mouth and pay special attention the front of my teeth.  It’s great for inflammation so it can’t possibly hurt to work it all through your mouth. I rinse very well.  Let me repeat that. I rinse very well as in a thousand times! You need to make sure you rinse completely or the corners of your mouth will appear orange and people will slowly walk away from you throughout the day. Please remember that everything around you that turmeric touches will stain; everything except your teeth.

I noticed a difference in whiteness within a week and I was very excited at the thought of not ever using painful strips again.  I’ve brushed like this for a few years now and I’m never disappointed how my teeth look.  For anyone who can’t tolerate the sensitivity or cost of teeth whitening brushing with turmeric is an awesome alternative.

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Obsessed! TheSue V Obsessed! TheSue V

Himalayan Salt Lamps

Not only are they gorgeous - but they are the PERFECT GIFT for any reason!

Are They for Real??

Do you believe all the hub bub that Himalayan salt lamps purify the air in your room? They’re supposed to trap airborne pollutants on their surface…….hmmmmmmm.  Then you remove the pollutants from the salt lamp with a damp cloth.  In addition the lamps are supposed to generate negative ions which really do have health benefits.  Studies have shown that the reading of negative ions is way too low to make a positive effect on our health issues.

Let me share with you the benefits I have found having a salt lamp. To begin with my daughter has one and she got me hooked; I couldn’t keep my eyes or hands off it.  So I purchased one of my own and I have to say that it is one of the prettiest tabletop fixtures in my house.  It has the dreamiest orange-peach-salmon color and the shape of it easy on the eyes. It holds six salt balls that fit perfectly in my hand and has a knob to control the color and heat intensity. 

I turn it up to the max in the morning and once it’s heated up I’ll take a couple of the hot salt balls and roll them all over the back of my neck, shoulders and around to the front of my neck; HEAVEN! Holding one in each hand while meditating is also wonderful.  At night while watching TV I turn the lamp down and the dim color provides a perfect night light for the living room. It’s that same pleasing effect I experience when I have just the Christmas lights on.

Himalayan salt lamps make terrific gifts for anyone and guaranteed to bring happiness and a feeling of peace and warmth in their hearts.  And who can’t use a good dose of that?

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